3 Days in Brief
- Lowest 17°C (Oct. 03)
- Precipitation 0mm
- Highest 19°C (Oct. 05)
- Humidity 31% Average
- Highest chance of rain 0%
- Sunshine hours12 hours Average
Weather Forecast for Northern District For The Next 3 Days
Thursday - October 03
Clear Sky
It feels like 28°
- Day/Night: 27°/20°
- Morning/Afternoon: 17°/24°
- Rainfall: 0
- Min/Max 17°/28°
- Humidity 33%
- Wind 4.6 km/h
- Pressure 1,015 hPa
- Sunrise/Sunset 10:34 AM/22:21 PM
- Visibility 10 km
- Day/Night 27°/20
- Morning/Afternoon 17°/24
- Rainfall 0
Rainfall in Northern District in Thursday - October 03
Temperature in Northern District in Thursday - October 03
Friday - October 04
Clear Sky
It feels like 30°
- Day/Night: 30°/20°
- Morning/Afternoon: 18°/25°
- Rainfall: 0
- Min/Max 18°/30°
- Humidity 29%
- Wind 5.29 km/h
- Pressure 1,013 hPa
- Sunrise/Sunset 10:34 AM/22:19 PM
- Visibility 10 km
- Day/Night 30°/20
- Morning/Afternoon 18°/25
- Rainfall 0
Rainfall in Northern District in Friday - October 04
Temperature in Northern District in Friday - October 04
Saturday - October 05
Clear Sky
It feels like 31°
- Day/Night: 30°/22°
- Morning/Afternoon: 19°/25°
- Rainfall: 0
- Min/Max 19°/31°
- Humidity 31%
- Wind 5.46 km/h
- Pressure 1,011 hPa
- Sunrise/Sunset 10:35 AM/22:18 PM
- Visibility 10 km
- Day/Night 30°/22
- Morning/Afternoon 19°/25
- Rainfall 0
Rainfall in Northern District in Saturday - October 05
Temperature in Northern District in Saturday - October 05
3-Day Temperature and Rainfall Posibility
3-Day Rainfall Forecast for Northern District
Northern District's weather
- Addirim
- Allone Abba
- Amnon
- Ayyelet HaShahar
- Behora
- Bet Yosef
- Dabburiya
- Deganya Alef
- El Makr
- Evron
- Geva
- Granot Hagalil
- Hararit
- HaYogev
- Hulata
- Judeida
- Kafr Kanna
- Karmi'el
- Kefar Ruppin
- Kefar Zetim
- Lavi
- Manot
- Mayan Barukh
- Migdal
- Zefat
- Afula
- Ahihud
- Akko
- Alma
- Almagor
- Alon Hagalil
- Amqa
- Avdon
- Avivim
- Baram
- Baraq
- Basmat Tabun
- Ben Ammi
- Bet HaEmeq
- Bet She'an
- Biriyya
- Bueina
- Dafna
- Dalton
- Dan
- Devora
- Dishon
- Ed Dahi
- Elqosh
- En Gev
- En HaMifraz
- En HaNaziv
- En Yaaqov
- Esh Sheikh Dannun
- Gadish
- Gaton
- Gesher HaZiw
- Ginnosar
- Givat Oz
- Gonen
- HaGosherim
- Haluz
- Hamadya
- HaSolelim
- Havat Ha-Shomer
- Hever
- Hodiyyot
- Hoshaya
- Hurfeish
- Iksal
- Ilaniyya
- Kabri
- Kadarim
- Kafr Kama
- Kafr Manda
- Kahal
- Karkum
- Kefar Masaryk
- Kefar Nahum
- Kefar Rosh HaNiqra
- Kefar Szold
- Kefar Yehezqel
- Kerem Ben Zimra
- Kisra
- Korazim
- Levanim
- Lohame HaGeta'ot
- Mahanayim
- Maoz Hayyim
- Mash Had
- Megiddo
- Mele'a
- Meron
- Migdal HaEmeq
- Nahariyya
- Nazareth
- Nazerat Illit
- Qiryat Shemona
- Shefaram
- Tiberias
Frequently asked questions
1.How humid will it be in Northern District over the next 3 days?
Humidity levels will average around 31% over the next 3 days.
2.Is there a chance of rain in Northern District during the next 3 days?
The forecast for 03 October, 2024 to 05 October, 2024 shows clear skies, with no rainfall expected on any of these days.
3.What are the expected high and low temperatures in Northern District for the next 3 days?
Over the next 3 days, expect highs of around 31°C (87.8°F) and lows of approximately 17°C (62.6°F).
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Northern District s' weather
Clear Sky
It feels like 20°
- Sunrise/Sunset 10:34 AM / 22:19 PM
- Min/Max 19°/20°
- Humidity 80%
- Pressure 1014 hPa
- Visibility 10 km
- Wind 1.37 km/h
Air quality
Acceptable air quality, some pollutants present, minor health concerns for sensitive individuals
- CO 216.96
- NH3 1.38
- NO 0
- NO2 4.2
- O3 94.41
- PM10 15.27
- PM25 7.04
- SO2 2.59
Sunrise / Sunset
10:34 AM
22:19 PM